Kaye Sillery Fissinger

Kaye Sillery Fissinger – 5/16/44 – 5/18/17

I liked Kaye right from the start.

We met in 2008, while doing volunteer work. I knew right away she was a warrior – she had the Look and the Light. Faithful friend and indefatigable foe of Darkness. She was there for me through my joys and tragedies as I was for hers.

The proof that she was Good was obvious by how the forces of love prevailed when she was present. Our world is lessened by her loss – but I know she would exhort us to ‘work harder!’ and not to mourn her too long.

She is NOT gone – you need only look around and see our beautiful town, free of theocracy, safe from exploitation and unified for the future.

Thank you Kaye – as always, you’ve gone on ahead to prepare the way for us. We’ll see you at the ocean.

Love you friend.

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